The Survey of Dragonflies and Damselflies began yesterday and what a start i had.
As i was walking down to the ponds something rather large caught my eye. Upon further inspection i came across this beauty. Only a
Southern Hawker Dragonfly. WOW !

This cracking Dragonfly has only recently started to spread to our part of the country so it was a very nice and unexpected find.
As i continued my walk i saw a
Common Darter resting on the floor.
Fandragontastic MateSo with stool set up by the pond i began my survey. There was plenty to see with
Common Blue,
Blue Tailed and
Azure Damselfly.

Both Azure Damselfly
Common BlueThe Damselflies were mating and laying eggs so a good sign of a healthy Damselfly world. I also spotted two
Common Blue Tenerals drying their wings out.
Then something glimmered like a jewel in the sun. And it was indeed a jewel. A stunning
Emerald Damselfly.
EmeraldThree male
Broad Body Chasers did what there name suggests and chased a female around the pond for a good twenty minutes. They proved very hard to photograph but i eventually manged to capture a couple of record shots.
Broad Body ChaserA single
Large Red Damselfly tried its best to have a rest but the Common Blues were having none of it and kept chasing him away.

There was also a good number of Butterflies visiting the area around the pond. Four
Comma put on a show amongst the leaves. Chasing each other away until only one remained. Although he was a little Moth eaten (excuse the pun) .

Other species noted were, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell, Large White, Painted Lady and Meadow Brown.
A few pic below to show the variety of species found.

Other creatures of interest seen were, two
Newts and a
Frog of which type i have no idea.
So a truly enjoyable day which i shall repeat next Sunday.